Prime Health Enterprises (South Pacific) Limited
- Already acquired 14.99ha of State Land in Lautoka in Fiji to build a Tertiary hospital for the Pacific.
- All under-one roof solutions capacity to be 200 - 300 beds (expandable to 350 beds)
- Wide range of medical & surgical departments
- Quality adjunct clinical services including Clinical & Diagnostic Lab services, Diagnostic & Interventional
Radiology & Imaging services.
- Well-qualified, experienced & motivated pool of professional and specially trained team in Medical,
Paramedical & Managerial aspects.
- Emphasis on the high quality of patient care at optimal capital & operational costs.
- Special focus on a wellness program promoted through Health Check-up packages and counseling.
- Provision for post-graduate education and training.
Capital Investment
Seeking Partnership
Looking for potential funding/ partnership opportunities.
Return on Investment
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